
Bible Discovery Channel is dedicated to preaching the Gospel through live and pre-recorded video presentations based on the Bible – the Word of God. BDC is under the auspices of the Enfield Christadelphian Ecclesia. We broadcast live video presentations each week via a streaming service.

We trust that through these means, we can provide a service to people who are searching for the truth of the Word of God and we seek God’s blessing in this work.

Latest Talks

We hold a free public address on a variety of Bible topics at 6PM each Sunday. If you live in the Adelaide area you are welcome to attend at: 344 Hampstead Rd, Clearview. Or if you can’t make it you can view the talks online here on our website.

The Christadelphians are a body of Bible believing people, who aim to live by faith in Jesus Christ, according to the teaching of his followers from the first century AD, finding their instruction in a wholly inspired Bible. Read more about us.